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Command And Conquer returns Kernel DLL error. PLEASE HELP

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What if you copy the "autoexec.nt" and "config.nt" files from "c:\windows\repair" folder to "c:\windows\system32" folder?

(Replace the "c:\windows" to your windows folder.)


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thanks for the tip but still no luck with it unless i did something wrong i'm not entirely sure what you meant by Replace the "c:\windows" to your windows folder. Thanks

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Originally posted by raven1988:

thanks for the tip but still no luck with it unless i did something wrong i'm not entirely sure what you meant by Replace the "c:\windows" to your windows folder. Thanks


I meant that if your Windows XP installation folder is different than c:\windows, for example c:\winnt, then you'll need to use it. smile


I do not have C&C any more, so I can not help much...


But does the Installation CD have two installation applications?

e.g. Setup.exe, Install.exe.


I am asking this because, I have C&C RA (1) and to install it, I have to use DOS version of the installer. The Windows installer did not work in my system, not even in compatibility mode.


And download Windows XP patch for tiberian dawn, from: http://www.cncnz.com/files/tibdawn/patches.shtml


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yeh it does have both of those files but it does just the same thing for both files.

1 other thing i have noticed is that after opening the installer files if i hit alt+ctrl+del and go to the processes tab setup.exe or install.exe (which ever 1 i opened) are in there but i cant access them in any way

[Edited by raven1988 on 2005-03-15 02:08:26]


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Originally posted by shassouneh:

C&C95.EXE - Entry Point Not Found

- The Procedure entry point SMapsLS_IP_EBP_12 could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.DLL


Anybody have a clue why it does this? I have tried both Win95 and WinNT compatibility modes and they didn't do anything. If you know how to get around this, please do help me and others.


:x the ftp.westwood.com site refused to have anything to do with me computer! EXPIRED?

So if u need the patch CCGOLDXPPATCH.ZIP i found another site that provided it, in france i'll think?



Må Bra /Fell Good

BILL n'd BULL wink


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I installed the TCP-com server.

status: TCP/IP status:listening


If I click null modem with the server's pc nothing happens if I click null modem with the other pc on this netwerk it says:

'Not a null modem cable attached! It is a modem or a loopback cable'


I use normal UTP cables for this network. So what's the porblem, what do I do to make the lan plan work?


Greetings Floris

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I don't understand do I have to buy such cable or is it a digital one?

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Well, i have a Problem with the TCP-Com....










i maked this and started C&C.. then go to settings and Accept Com3 but i get a message "Invalid in use or Port in use"..

Wtf... thx for help

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Right i know this might be off topic a bit i dont know because i only read the first page but i want to install the classic command and conquer 1 onto XP ive just found it in my loft fully boxed with everything in it even registration card after like 9-10 years smirk


well i want to install it but i have no idea how to wen i go to install it i av to explore the CD and then click the .exe but it says not enough disk space or please install outside of windows (which i have no idea what that means)


if some one can please help me that would be great ive got all the other C&C's and got rather bored of them




VANS aka nick

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I have a problem with the very first Command & Conquer frown I have read all of these posts and none of them tells if you cant install your game. I got a 95 Windows command & conquer version. Every time i try to install it it gets black and then goes back. WHAT CAN I DOOO!!!? help!

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Hey, I'm still getting the - an privileged instruction executed address 004dd5b4 everytime I try running C&C95... I've tried hitting the spacebar twice but windows just freezes... I'm using Windows XP... does anyone have any ideas?

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