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Anyone read this article?

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One thing that did actually annoy me with the straight 845 was the way it was being sold in places like PC World and Dell. I can only speak for the UK but i would expect the US to be the same kinda thing. They would say stuff like "amazing performance" and have a p4 2ghz with 512mb ram....sdram that is smile


So the poor suckers not really getting what they think they are getting, now with this D version it makes it alot better smile The average person on the street can go get a p4 with good performance for alot less money than if they had gone with rdram.


Surely thats worth a lot more to someone than an extra 50fps or an extra pixel shader that they wont even know is there smile

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I applaud INtel for finally going DDR and making the P4 available to a wider market but I have had an athlon DDR board for 7 months now, so if your giving the award based on bringing performance based DDR to the masses, this was done way before the 845D for the AMD platform. ANd I'm guessing thats what pushed intel into releasing thiers earlier. SO maybe the AMD DDR should get the award instead, being the catylist and all.

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If I were giving the award, it wouldn't be to any of the above smile. But the only reason they held back was due to their existing contracts which I know they will still be suffering the effects of for some time to come.

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Yup. Intel really got bit by trying to force RDRAM on us. I'm sure it's a lovely technology, but most people care how much they get for the price. If RDRAM was faster in most tasks, and noticeably faster, then we'd probably not see so many people po'd about it. As it stands right now, it's a technology that is only useful to those who need it to pump data as fast as possible to the CPU.

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I'm not biased in the least. I am acutally considering getting an 845D chipset cause I run raid and VIA ahs terrible raid performance.

I wish the P4 chips werent so expensive

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I just wish I could get Athlon performance in a system with Intel's stability. Is that too much to ask?



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yeah that's all I want. VIA has made great strides but they need to continue to improve things. I do think Intel's days of being the stabilitly leader are coming to an end. SIS, VIA, NVIDIA, all are making strides in chipsets. I hope that with the new APG 8X and other standards make things better

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