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Does the mx300 o mx400 work with rc1 or rc2?

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I have BP6 board with a single CPU and MX300

running under RC2, so far I had no problem with this setup, getting 2nd CPU soon so will try if drivers work well in smp. Drivers come with Win2k RC2.

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with dual 550s my MX300 works for an undetermined amount of time then I loose sound. No conflicts or anythings, it just poops out. I threw in my old SB16 and it works fine. I assume it's a driver thing.

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The SMP support in the Mx300 drivers is absolute ****! Turning down the hardware acceleration helps a little with 2114, however in rc2 a duel cpu situation with those Mx300 drivers causes a VERY unstable system. In my experience with a Bp6 and duel 366's with rc2 was that after about 1 explorer click and one icq uh-oh the sound would die and anything accessing directsound would crash. It ran fine with 1 cpu but adding the second one was downgrading my system performance due to instability.

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Well, I'm in the same boat as many of you with Dual Processors. I'm running Dual 366's at 550 with Windows 98, and Windows 2000.


Everything seemed fine upon my fresh install of Windows 2000 RC2, but my Voodoo3 drivers didn't work with many games. So I used a set of drivers Chamelon directed me to, and suddenly the Voodoo3 had a Display, Advanced Properties panel and many games began to work.


Unfortunately, my Xitel Storm Platnium (basically the same as a Diamond MX-300) audio card began causing problems at that point. Games lock:


1) During installation

2) During sound configuration

3) During gameplay


...or there is no sound when I play. I've tried the RC2 drivers for the Aureal 8830 chipset, the 2.25 Aureal drivers, and even the Aureal NT 4.0 drivers. All had the same basic results.


So I see that several things could be the problem...


1) Voodoo3 drivers aren't perfect, and are causing a memory leak that kills the system.

2) Aureal drivers have a problem and are causing lockups, etc.

3) MPS configuration is causing problems with Aureal or Voodoo3 drivers.

4) God only knows. =)


Anyway... this is what I've found, and I'm waiting for a new set of Voodoo3 drivers chamelon is working on. Sounds like these are more stable than the first set he pointed me too, and this might be the answer.


One other thing I should point out. I'm still running the default BIOS for my BP6 motherboard, and I haven't installed any drivers for the UDMA 66 hard drive controller. Since no drivers are installed, I presume this isn't a problem... but you never know. I have a Maxtor 20GB 7400rps HD that I'm running off the standard Primary EIDE controller of the BP6.


That's all for now... keep posting folks. Let's lick this problem. I want to make Windows 2000 my default O/S ASAP. =)


Glenn Merkel

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That's a confirmed no once again. I have problems with the MX300 locking up with my bp6 and dual celerons. Still a problem even with using older NT 4.0 drivers... ohwell.




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No need to try if you have dual CPUs. I talked to Diamond back in June and they acknowledged it was not working with dual CPUs. Here we are in October and they only have their crappy beta driver from February on their website.

Aureal would not talk, they have however an entry in their "ask aureal" forum [censored] from sometimes in late July I think that admits their driver is not working for dual CPUs. I submitted the question three times over the past two months and they have ignored it.

At this point I am trying to have Diamond take the card back and refund my money. I am thinking about writing to the magazines (web and paper) because I'm getting madder by the day.

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My thoughts exactly! I purchased a MX300 back in Feb. and the only reason I got it over the SBLive was the MX25 daughter card at a fraction of the SBLive cost. Running a dual PII 400 system, the card was nothing but trouble for me (and still no MX25 months later). I was informed by Diamond, that they don't develop in house drivers and would not release drivers until Aureal developed fixed drivers. So now my MX300, will live out the rest of its days collecting dust, as my AWE64 Gold produces all the sound I want.

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Ya, Just got my 2nd CPU back... I'm getting exactly 4 mins of sound in Tribes it worked very well with a single CPU, so if u want to go duel stay clear from MX300..

Any1 wanna trade?

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