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WinXP and ZIP files

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What is the deal with XP and ZIP files. I use Winrar 2.9 and anytime when I am browsing my files in Windows Explorer, if I single click on a ZIP file, CPU usage jumps to 100 % or so for a brief moment. It really is bothersome, and only happens with ZIP files not RAR files or ACE files.

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Are you using the "Search" Function to browse your files? I noticed this too and it's really ,well you know the word, me off. It's researching the folder and also searching inside the .zip files. Haven't taken the time to tweak it or turn it off because I'm really tired of this OS. 2K going back on this weekend.


Lemme know if what I described is what happens to you and I'll see if I wanna devote more time to it. smile

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DosFreak, I think you are right. How is this "search" function disabled. In any case, when you are in Explorer, XP treats ZIP as folders and then when you click it, it opens up even if they are registered with Winrar. The larger the zip the longer the delay and longer 100 % CPU use.

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