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1.4 GHz and very irresponsive

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Hi Guys


I have an AMD 1.4 GHz w/ ECS K7S5A. I have Windows XP. It doesn't response very fast.


Consider it would take 5-10 secs to open in My Computer or Control Panel.


I looked into it and found this out.


When my High Speed Internet Connection is on, it becomes slow. If I disable my connection. It is as fast as expected.


I noticed the lights on my modem. While going to control panel or my computer, the modem receive/send lights blink and after about 5-6 or probably more seconds control panel or my computer or any app comes up.


Any idea whats going on?



Secondly, I have to things in my Device Manager which I dont know what they are. They are type Network Adapters, called Packet Schedular # 5 and #4. They have yellow exclaimation mark. I can't seem to uninstall it. It says, this device is required to bootup the computer.


This might be related to my other problem.


Somebody please help me.




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There are no drivers for the Cable Modem. It is simply connected to the network card.



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Have you checked your taskmanager to see if there are any changes between the connection being on and off? Might be able to narrow it down from there if a particular process is going nuts when online.

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Ok I checked it.


Disabling and enabling the Internet and Local Areal Network Connections doesn't really make a differerence. The number of processess remains same and I throughly checked them. There is no difference, except memory for some processes goes a bit up around 2000K. Around 4 process memory goes up.


Thats basically it!


Very strange! Is there any way I could remove the Packet Schedular stuff. I tried deleteing them for registry even but it wont let me do that.



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Ok found it out!


My network computer was not connected. When I completed the network, it is back to its normal speed but the light on my hub blink (transfer of data) when I open like my computer, control panel etc.


Why would it do that? There should be any link if I am opening my computer to the computers on the network, or control panel etc.




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it is because your computer is most likely the browse master, so all data that the other computers on the network need go to and from that computer. TCP/IP netowrking is a hierarchy, the computer with the best OS becomes the browsemaster so all other computers on the network look to that computer for info on the other computers in line. I don't know how to not make it the browse master but if you don't need data between the 2 computers to stay concurrent stop the server and computer browser services and set them to manual. Also look for QoS packet scheduler on your network connections, if it is in them take it out, that way your bandwith won't be reserved for QoS packets.

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