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Installation stops at 99%

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I have recently installed w2k and have problems installing some programs such as Encarta 2000, Acrobat Reader (yes, the version for W2k) or Need for Speed Porsche (German version, and it says it supports W2k).

It's always the same problem: When I start the setup file, the installation screen will open and the installation proceeds until 99% and then it stops and closes down.

There are a lot of other programs which I had no problems with.


Can anyone help? confused



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Do you have a virus scanner running? I have seen some installers sit at 99% for extended periods of time with older versions of McAfee running in the background. Also, do a search regarding the installer service as I thought someone else had a similar issue a while ago.

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Yes, I downloaded all the important updates, including SP2.

The virus scanner I'm using is Norton AV 2000. But the installation doesn't sit at 99% it just stops and disappears even in the task manager.



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I did a disk cleanup but this didn't work. But deleting the Temp folder in the Documents and Setting directory did the job. laugh

I wonder why though?

Thanks a lot.


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Does it really stop at 99% ? I've seen this behaviour but found that if you wait a while (a minute or so) and/or click the desktop or the menu button a few times it gets going again. It also seemed that it was only the display (the bar graph) that stopped, not the install.

Have the task manager running and see if the install is working or really has stopped.



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No, unfortunately it just stops and the window with the display graph closes down without any error message. Also the task manager doesn't show a trace of the installation process.

The only thing that helps is deleting the Temp folder in the Documents and Setting directory. Just deleting the files in the folder does not work. After restarting W2k the folder is back again. So if I want to install another application which stops at 99% later on, I have to delete it again. I can live with that.



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I have seen some interesting errors in NT where deleting the existing temp dir under C:\temp was effective. I wonder if the temp variables are getting changed, and removing it forces them to adjust? Also, you might try renaming the existing temp dir, and then making a new one, since it is merely a folder. If the fact that you leave the "corrupted" one behind helps, you might be in the clear.

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Hi people, I have the same problem as JBrauns. I tried everything you advised him, but it still doesnt work. I have Win2000 Eng professional installed over Win 98 (I can switch this two operating systems, but I dont think it is the main problem). I have also my harddrive divided to C and D drives. Do you have some other good ideas to advise me?

Thanks a lot!


P.S. I dont have Temp directory in Document and Setting, I have only Temp directory in D root where Win2000 is installed (I tried to rename it (or remove), but it didnt work as well).

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