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Shareware Trial Period

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Hi All,


This question have been in my mind for a long time. But I didn't find any right place to drop this one. I hope someone from here will let me know the answer. Here we go:


I've installed a shareware in my os [win nt]. The trail period was over after 30 days. After that I once downloaded that exe and tried to install it again. But it shows your trail period was over. I want to know how the exe is keeping track of the number of days since it's been installed and also under which registry key the details have been stored. Hope someone will answer my question.


I've asked this question in order to gain some knowledge. This was not posted in order to crack any shareware. I am newbie to this line.



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The registry entries could be more or less anywhere. It's also possible that the data isn't stored in the registry, but in a file that has been hidden somewhere on your system, or maybe even written to a .ini file somwhere.

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Thanks for your reply. I want to know some more information. Is there any other file available [file extension other than .ini] in which can store the information.

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While I can appreciate a desire to learn about such a time keeping and enforcing function, the primary use for this knowledge is to circumvent any time-limiting protection scheme. Sorry, but I will have to lock this thread and ask that you don't continue on this particular subject. Thank you.

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