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Gambler FEX online


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My brothers computer just got an bsod today, a first in a few days. Some time ago it had been bsoding a lot and I narrowed it down to defective RAM, and thought now it should be


stable but nope... It only happened once, I rebooted and it has been fine since.


Anyone know what it could be? Here's the error:


stop error

trap cause unknown

dumping physical memory


System Specs:


Abit BE6 with latest bios

Matrox G400 Max using 5.72

SB Live Player 1024

Intel PCI Pro 10/100 or something network card

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Dunno, I got such a BSOD like this out of nowhere once too...while maximizing an IE window smile

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I think I know what may be a culprit: the HPT366 controller. It's a known problem.

Also, does your bsod list any files in it? If so, that's likely the culprit.

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Now that you mention it, yes I did install the drivers for the HPT366 controller! There where no BSODs before that... I will uninstall it and see, I dont use it anyway. Thanks for the pointer!!!

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I tried unistalling the HPT366, but at next boot it automatically installed them again (they appear as two ide/scsi controllers). Then I tried deleting their .sys and .inf file, and at next boot i "succsessfully" had it asking for drivers. However, no matter what I chose it re-detected it and asking for drivers again.


So now they are installed but disabled, and I still experience BSODs at boot.


Any suggestions? I reported the BSOD to microsoft so we'll see what they have to say.

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