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Ut mousespeed

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Ok in the menu my mouse speed is reall slow then in the game it's really fast and i dunno wht to do please give me a hint and i tried adjust the the gui or whatever it's called and it's either to fast or to slow

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Go to "preferences", then "input" and change the "mouse speed" value.

I use 6.00 or 7.00.



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You can also control mouse sensitivity under input, you have to re-balance to your liking

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Under Options>Preferences>Input (tab)


Untick direct input if your still having mouse problems. This setting is for Win9x machines.


If you're not using direct input, be aware that your windows mouse settings will affect your UT mouse settings. So, you may want to consider going back into windows, click Start>Settings>Control Panel>Mouse>Pointer Options (tab)


Here, take note of where your pointer speed is set. If you want your exact UT mouse sensitivity back, yet your UT settings haven't been changed, odds are good the pointer speed was changed in windows. Here is where you can turn it back.


Also, here's something many UT players may not realize to change (though for Win9x players using direct input, they need not worry about it): Make sure that "pointer acceleration" is disabled or set to it's lowest setting (you may have to look for an advanced button to change accelleration).


The problem is, if pointer acceleration is on, it can affect your aim. If you slowly turn a 180 in ut, and then quickly pull another 180, the second 180 will require that you move the mouse less distance (since you moved it faster, acceleration cause the same 180 with less mouse movement). This inconsistancy will affect "snap" aimed shots to not be as accurate.


Turn pointer acceleration _off_ and this will eliminate the problem. a 180 will always require the same distance fast or slow. As will any other heading change. You'll become accustomed to the consistancy, and eventually "snap" or quickly aimed shots will much more likely be on target.


You'll notice a difference after turning Acceleration off. It's a must for any skilled UT player (that is, one that must run without direct input, which eliminates acceleration)


Just a note:


Under Options>Preferences>Video (tab)


GUI mouse speed will affect how fast the mouse pointer works as a pointing device in the UT menus. It has _no_ affect on your gameplay (aiming) mouse settings.

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