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RC2 with Voodoo2 - D3D & Glide

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Excuse me if this has been asked a zillion times, I'm just new to this w2k beta game.


I've joined the trial program thingy, and have installed win 2k RC2 (pro version). I've got a voodoo2, and was looking to try the funky new gaming support in w2k.


However it seems there aren't any d3d drivers for my graphics card (A creative labs voodoo2), or Glide drivers.


I've downloaded the glide for NT4, and the modified .inf, and will give that a go.


I was wondering however how soon we can expect (even beta) D3D drivers to appear from 3dfx, does anyone have any info on this ?

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Wow... seriously ???


does MS dislike companies beta testing their drivers as widely as MS beta's its products or something ???


Time to remove w2k RC2 me thinks smile.gif

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Strange to give up so easily. There is an INF file on this site that enables d3d opengl and glide for your voodoo2. You jsut need to do some hunting.

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The problem with the 3dfx drivers is not with microsoft but with 3dfx. They are unable to write stable drivers for win2k at the moment which doesn't make the complete OS instable !


If 3dfx will fix those problems Microsoft will include the drivers as always.

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No Seldzar there is no unofficial D3D drivers just Glide, miniOpenGL, ICD OpenGL

for both V1 & V2.

That rigth Wuff it is 3dfx at less some of is.

The rest of it is has do with MS went the drivers run like D2 Display.

And another problem is Glide API.

Unofficial 3dfx said no it can't be done that way well I have to agree with this after all this add on card not a 2D+3D like a Voodoo3 or TnT or what ever.

So agine 3dfx will have go a round MS back to make thing work.

Have you Boy's ever wonder why Voodoo1 & Voodoo2 have not made in to Windows95/98 other then DX runtime only Voodoo1 did but not Voodoo2 Hmmm sound that fisheeeee.

I beat you they all ready have drivers for Win2K agine I think only the big developer have those drivers like John or Tim.


[This message has been edited by SHS (edited 01 November 1999).]

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I got Glide working to some extent:


Rollcage, GLQuake and Sportscar GT work fine.


GTA2 and Driver don't, both set to use glide as well.




Personally the gameability of W2K is the main selling point to me. The reason till now that I've stuck with win95 & 98 is that they play games. The stability of NT4 was always apealing, but not enough to get me away from my games.


this latest RC from MS for me doesn't have enough functionality where I want (games) for me to think about using it almost all the time...yet smile.gif


BTW: from reading the 3dfx message board, 3dfx still haven't released a plain vanilla DX7 driver for voodoo2, let along a w2k version.... lazy people smile.gif

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