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DVD decoder

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Does Win XP come with DVD decoder? If so, is it integrated into Windows Media Player?

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Microsoft should be sued for claiming that the WMP included in XP can play DVD content. It is NOT true, you still need a 3rd party decoder. IS THERE A LIMIT TO LYING AND DISINFORMING YOUR CUSTOMER BASE ???????????

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Well, it *is* perfectly capable of playing DVD content; you just need a plugin for it. It's like all those HDTV "ready" TVs that you may see in ads. They are capable as well, but you still need the additional equipment. I imagine one reason why MS didn't include it was so they didn't have to pay additional licensing costs for the technology and pass it on to the consumer directly. Not to mention that *most* users who own DVD-ROMs already have software that will work anyway.

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That's my point: do they clearly say ANYWHERE that you need a 3rd party decoder? Execept I think in the setup process, that is AFTER you bought their software smile

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It's listed on the box that a DVD decoder is required. I believe it is with the system requirements list.

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For me, it just comes with the territory. I mean, they didn't state that you need CD-R/RW drive to use the built-in burning software, yet some people (and yes, I have seen them do this) complain that not mentioning a need for this device constitutes false advertising. So, yes, the media player *can* play the DVD, assuming you have the proper hardware and software.

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Tried it through Media Player, doesn't run very well--choppy. Glad to have my WinDVD (I have several copies of this software ;( )

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I know you need to have a DVD drive which is common sense but I don't like what Microsoft is doing here.They should not state that XP has DVD playback capability the decoder is not included. All Windows have DVD playback capability with the right hardware and software.

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