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Restoring original files from XP CD...

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Hello there!


How can I restore original WindowsXP files from the CD?


For example, I am using my own LOGONUI.EXE and things like that but now I would like to restore the original one...


Some months ago I remember that it was posted a simple console command to do this, but I can't find this news message again...


Does anyone have any idea how to do this?


Thanks for help (and reading this),


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i dont know the comand to scan for "bad" files, but whats wrong with copying over your "hacked" file.

if wfp kiks in you just have to copy the file realy fast to all the locations-make a batch file to copy logonui.exe from the cd to %windir%\system32\ and %windir%\system32\dllcache\


if the wfp catches it the first time try it again.


i know this works for explorer.exe you just have to kill it in taskmanager and for notepad.

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Thanks guys... I found the command in my system32 directory...


If anybody wants to know::




Verifies that all protected Windows files are itact and in their original versions...

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I use your method, but I use Xsetup to shut off the wfp first. Then after i've copied whatever I want (or deleted the bejesus out of) I flip the wfp back on. Granted, it's a couple of reboots, but it saves a lot of headaches...

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the way i _explained_ doesn't require (spelling?) turning off wfp. you just have to be quickerr than it, it will nag but you can click ignore or whatever and thats it. so no need for reghacks or hexediting sys files, or rebooting for that matter. but its fine the way you said if you don't mind rebooting and all that...

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Quickest way is to use the NTVDM command "expand".


Simply copy example.dl_ off the CD to the HD and do an expand example.dl_ example.dll


Much quicker that way.

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