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MSN Explorer

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I am not able to install msn explorer in win nt. Why does not NT support this.


Using service pack 6

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MSN Explorer..the one you speak of, I believe, was designed for XP only. Not designed for 2k, either. So you're attemtping to install an incompatible software based on OS.

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Go to MS' Explorer website and take a look. Explicitly lists that it's only installable under WinXP. If you're using it under other OS', then you may want to check the licensing agreement.

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What are you talking about ? When I was under Win2k and Win98, I received a mail through Hotmail asking me wether I wanted to install MSN explorer or not.

I downloaded it and installed it, no prob. at all.

WinXP wasn't out yet, before months and MSN Explorer was there for a while (check the versions and updates we've seen...) ...

Talking about the licensing agreement (I didn't read it at that time), how do you explain what I've said above ?

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That's what I said, I didn't read the license agree., but I know MSN Explorer works just fine under win98/Me/2000/XP. With Hotmail, you have the opportunity to install it under any Windows.

Why it doesn't work under NT, I don't know, maybe it isn't meant to run multimedia apps., on the contrary Win2K is much more efficient for this part than NT, but that everyone knows this...

That's all folks !

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