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W2K and AMD756 chipset (MSI 6167)-Athlon

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I am using an AMD Athlon 500 and the MSI 6167 motherboard. Does anyone else have this config?

I keep getting Blue Screened due to Power mgmt. Are their any drivers that anyone knows of?

And it seems unusually slow, even slower than my Celery system.

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The AMD Athlon was released when W2k was nearly finished. Don't expect that this combination will run without problems the coming 6 months or so.

As to speak in Murphy's law :

You only know how deep a pool is, until you step in it.



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thats odd reasoining, 9X came out years before athlon did and they work fine....get what Im saying?? I might be wrong off coruse but with ur logic it doesnt make any sense.

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The new Athlon motherboards require a lot more power than the older motherboards, which means that you have to get a new powersupply... Worked for me!

Good luck!

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I was hoping to see more help here. To see if I needed to load the Win98 drivers or what to get the PCI bridge to be recognized...something.

I have a higher power supply (300 watt), that is not the issue. Drivers are the issue. Has anyone else gotten the PCI bridge to load?


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