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System Boot Hang with occasionaly BSOD (mup.sys)

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I have just started getting a very annoying problem on my computer. I will switch it on, and it will POST fine, get to the windows loading screen (the black one with the blue bar) and it will just sit there. The hard disk light will be onn and off for about 5 seconds each time alternately. If I leave it for long enough, I get a BSOD telling me that I have an UNMOUNTBALE_BOOT_VOLUME. I notice that none of my USB devices are switched on.

If I go to load safe mode, it stops as I get to Mup.sys...and that it where it will stay. If the problem doesnt occur, my USB devices will all switch on and all will be fine. This is what I use as an indicator to a successful boot.


Any info/input?


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Exact same problem happened to me yesterday, dude. I have no clue why. I booted into recovery console from the XP CD and did a "fixboot". Rewrote the boot sector, and now it's loading ok.


My C: is NTFS, all other drives are FAT32.

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I'm using FAT32.. having the same problem.

Reinstalled many many times already, and now still it hangs at mup.sys.

And even now I can't reinstall, it hangs at installation when it try to "Starting windows XP"




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Do u have a few stick of ram? pop one out , or move them around, see if that helps. i have ahd a few .sys start up errors - all were related to a bad mem stick.

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My computer is a laptop, where sometimes ago it was hang after leaving it on for one whole night. after that I've to disable the CD-rom in the bios then only I can boot into harddisk. However, the winxp hang by mup.sys.


I reinstalled the winxp and it works for a few weeks where I still can access my cd-rom although I've disabled it in bios. After that it dead again..


After many times of hang and reinstall, it end up with hang during installation. and I've sent back the laptop to service..


I didn't add/remove any hardware with the laptop..


btw, anyone knows wat MUP.sys does? and wat is BSOD?

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