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Uxtheme.dll - NOT w@rez

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I seem to remember a little while ago that that someone was asking for a patched/fixed version of uxtheme.dll so that they could continue to use other styles than MS's own after the expiry date of TGTSoft's prog StyleXP, & that someone else said that to use a copy of the patched DLL after the 30 day time limit has run out would not be legitimate & that it would be classed as w@rez.


Just to put the record straight. TGTSoft [the makers of StyleXP] have a util to patch the DLL in question - the util is described as FREEWARE, so I guess that puts the matter to rest. smile


Here's the link for the file, direct from TGTSoft's site:



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the reason my post was edited was because i posted a 'work-around' to the 30 day time limit on StyleXP. So the post itself was fine, it was just the fact that i told people how to get around the 30 day expiry on StyleXP, that was what made the mods edit it.

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that was a kick *** trick

but here at nt compatible no one uses war3z i am certian of it

i would never ever use war3z

cause then i would be a criminal and criminals are bad people

i don't wanna be a bad person and no one else does either:D

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Many programs are like that, FlashFXP is another that my custom workaround works on. Most programmers forget to check the date after the program initialises for the 1st time.

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