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Brian Frank

Maybe I'm wrong here...

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But I have some guy telling me that you can install 98 on an NTFS partition.


Here's his solution: use the Win2k or XP disc to format the partition to NTFS then cancel the install. Install 98 as usual.


Yeah right. Unless he's got a that NTFS-DOS tool or something, it can't be done. That or one of us has had a little too much mary jane.

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Nope, won't work. In fact, I doubt the NTFS-DOS utility would allow this to work. The system would never be able to boot in order to load the utility to let Win98 run on NTFS. I think this guy was dropped on his head a few too many times as an infant.

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I'm gonna try it out just to prove he's wrong though. I've got enough parts sitting around to toss a test PC for this experiment.


I'm even gonna go at it the way he said he did: use Win2k or XP to format the drive as NTFS then go ahead and install 98.

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It wont work,



98 can be made to read NTFS not boot form it tho unless in a dual boot environment with one fat16 or 32 partition

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Yup. It don't work. I'll have a good yuk when he comes up with a response.


He claims he'll "school" me on how to do it. It's even funnier when you add that an MCSE told him it was impossible.

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"It's impossible."


Now you can add another one to that list...



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