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Brand new win2000 install. It give me this from a cold boot. It also mention about file winnt\system32\systemCED (sp) not found...

I went on MS Kowledge Base but can't fine any article about it.

Any idea??

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My bad, forgot about the board. It's ECS K7S5A with latest bios from the ECS site. Note: when I disable ACPI in the BIOS the computer keep rebooting when w2K start. Also I have a 1000 T-Bird and the POST would not auto detect it as 1000 but 750. I have to change the CPU/BUS to 133/133 for it to see.

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It sounds you have updated your bios recently. Try to reset CMOS over the jumper switch on the mobo. I don't know your hardware but with a recent bios you should **not** have to set the fsb (what you call CPU bus) manually, your cpu should be autodetected. Something is wrong right there, I'd guess.


BTW, are you sure you have a Tbird and memory for the 133 Mhz fsb ? (as opposed to 100Mhz).


Did you have this Mobo / cpU / mem combination working before ?



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Could be the RAM, I had a similar experience with non HCL hardware. The motherboard and CPU don't sound to evenly matched either, but I'm no expert when it comes to chips and voltages.

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The main reason i asked you for the motherboard is that sometimes win2k installation fails on certain motherboards and it is resolvd by up[censored] the BIOS, but since you have the latest BIOS it shouldn't be the case.

Your problem is definatelly related to hardware, and since the motherboard is out of the list try and focus on the memory.Like Dirty Harry said you have to check first of all if it's a 133MHz. You can check it by installing it on another system and running Motherboard Monitor 5 (it has memory analyser and it actually tells you the speed as well).Then set the appropriate setting in the BIOS(DRAM frequency) and you'll be sure about that as well.


Finally, ACPI should be enabled for win2k to work, otherwise you'll be getting BSOD.

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Here the system in question:


RAM..PC2100 256 DDR

Vid..Diamond FireGL Pro 1000


OS..W2K + SP2 +SP2 hot fix


I did the clean install and re-format the drive. Everything is fine so far but the CPU is still being detected as 750 at POST. There is no jumper to set the FSB to 133 on the MB. I'm going to see if there is a freeware diag progs somewhere to test the hardware.


Thanks all for the respond.

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Well, I have install everything over. All seems to work when I wrote the previous post. Brought the machine in to work with me to keep an eye out. Turn it on and W2K start. Here the error:


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Your primary problem is very likely that your board doesn't autodetect (or have correct) settings for the CPU and/or the RAM.


As you say you have 256 MB of 2100 DDR ram I would suspect the CPU settings are the culprit. If you have two sticks, take out one and continue with only one.


You will find a jumper that CLEARS the CMOS table, believe me, there is one (could also be called CMOS discharge etc). Read the manual or go to the manufacturers site and download a copy if you don't have one. Use the jumper (ie switch off the computer, UNplug the power cord, clear the CMOS by shortcutting the jumper and revert) and see if your CPU is now detected correctly. ALso, if your BIOS has something like "Load fail safe defaults", use that option, that could also clear things up a bit. Do this after you have cleared the CMOS.


There is no software (I know of) that tells you the manufacturers rating of the components FSB speed, at least not in a easily interpreteable way. Waste of time to go down that path, with other words. The best (only sensible) way to find out is to READ whats printed on the CPU. The best possible software that you could use is Oda's WCPUID, but I'm not sure that it always identifies every CPU's values correctly if its running on false settings to start with and you don't have half of the data already. Anyhow, if you try this you have to find out how to read the different family & steppings values it gives you, and wether there is only one possibility for your particular CPU, assuming that you are really really sure which CPU you have. Then you still have to clear the CMOS, so just start with doing that right now !


Let us know how you progress, somebody is likely to come up with another possible solution once the settings are ruled out !



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