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ThC 129

Serving Windows Media files

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How do i serve windows media files is it like shoutcast or what?? Im looking to do something like shoutcast. Or does anyone know how to get shoutcast to work through a browser?? The reason i ask is because my proxy is a ***** and won't let me access any shoutcast stations but will let me access windows media ones.

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I think Microsoft has some Media Producer software at the MediaPlayer homepage. It encodes many audio formats to .wma and streams it. Did you try that?


I didn't check it in a while, it was a beta product back then...

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You can use Adobe Premiere to export media files to streaming format - it offers export to both Real and Windows Media format

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I'm currently running Windows Media Services through a Windows 2000 Media Server -- it gives you the option to stream through HTTP (port 80) which is probably why you are able to listen to Windows Media and are having problems with Shoutcast.


Check to make sure that you aren't behind a firewall, as that may disallow the ports that Shoutcast is using.


What we're doing is running our playlists with Winamp, then piping that into the Windows Media Encoder, which gets sent via Unicast to the Streaming Server, which has both a unicast and multicast streams for Off-Site and Intranet access respectively.


Winamp is a pain for dealing with playlists -- ie. we can't manage them dynamically frown


Ah well...dunno if I answered your question...


Cheers --


CFSM - Radio Saint Marys - http://cfsm.stmarys.ca/

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thanks for all the info guys. I knew that i couldnt listen to shoutcast due to my proxy. I can always f with a shoutcast server to make it stream through 80, but anyway i will check out the links and see what i cant find.

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