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Post SP2 Support Tools

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Thanks for posting this. I just spent the morning looking all over Technet Online for the Application Compatibility Tool. Apparently the most recent version is only listed as a part of the Support Tools now. It was kind of funny. I clicked on a link for act15.exe and it sent me to a page where I could download act20.exe, which is only for use in Windows XP. I wanted to smack someone!


Turns out that the app I was trying to support wasn't Win2000 compliant anyway -- despite the fact that the packaging and the brochures said it was.


But at least now I do have the latest version of APCOMPAT.EXE for the OS. Thanks again.


- Collin

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Ya, we like da links!




I hadn't been much involved in helping anyone with Win2K for quite a while, but I surely had the chance today. I still think it's weird that Microsoft's search tool wasn't helpful in getting me to the latest "Application Compatibility Tool". Well, I guess it's just a matter of using magic words.


Thanks again!


- Collin

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I've always had problems navigating microsofts site, but it seems to have improved a lot in recent times.

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Yes, I agree that navigation of the MSKB, and much of the rest of the Microsoft site, has improved considerably in recent months. But I still run into the occasional cul-de-sac when using their online search features to look for something that should be easy to find.


I've noticed that the Help and Support applet in WinXP makes an outstanding front end for searching the knowledge base. Unfortunately, it slants the results heavily toward their potential use with Windows XP. So, if I'm trying to find information on another OS, I don't bother to use the applet.


- Collin

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Oh yeah, that's another thing I've noticed about XP - The help ACTUALLY HELPS! 8)

Now if only I could break the habit of avoiding it at all costs, It might be of some use.

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