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Allow users to access Word

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I have Win 2000 pro installed with 3 computers networked. I installed Word on my son's computer while I was logged on as Admin. When he logs on with his userid, he cannot get at it. How do I make it so he can use Word on his PC? I am a complete idiot when it comes to Win 2000, so please give simple instructions. Thanks for any help.

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When he logs on with his userid, he cannot get at it. How do I make it so he can use Word on his PC?

Can you be a bit more specific about this?You mean he can't find it in the start menu, or it's not on the hard drive.
I can imagine that it's the first problem, so you have to do the following:
Win2k sorts the start menu programs into two categories. A Start menu for all users of the computer(common programs) and a start menu that is only for a specific user(admin, and any other userID).
The program is probably on the start menu of the admin user and it's not in your sons one.
Login as admin on your sons comp.
Right click on the start menu and choose open all users.
Then right click again and click on open(that opens only the personalised start menu of the user that is logged on.
Word etc. should be on your personal start menu.All you have to do is move it to "all users" one.That way, all accounts that will be created from now on will have access to the program.

If i'm confusing you, note here that even if there are two start menus, virtually there's only one, that has both the personal user's start menu and the common one, when you click on the start menu.

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make sure that you run Word At least once on the admin account so it populates the shortcuts and word installs. Also make sure that his security settings are high enough to be able to run the program.

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Thanks guys, I don't know what I did, but somehow I was able to get at it. I changed some file permissions and a couple of other things and was able to make a short-cut to it.


Maybe I was confused that it wasn't on the desktop when he logs on and it was when I log on. I'm still new to 2000 and thought that since it wasn't on his desktop, he couldn't use it since I was Admin when I installed it. Thanks again for your help.

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It can be interesting to get used to, but the Admin account has a different desktop than would any other account.


You can investigate all the fun under C:\documents and settings. Each account has its own profile, and the profile can have desktop/start menu options that are not seen by other profiles.


Hope it proves interesting, and have fun, its pretty cool.

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