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Yamaha 4416s CDRW

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I am having problems getting my 4416s to work. My scsi card is detected just fine and installed correctly. but the CDRW, isn't being detected at all. I was wondering if there is something I am suppose to be doing different to get it recoginized in win2k RC2?


thanks in advance for your help.

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Go to adaptec's site and download the ASPI layer update for NT. That will allow your cdr software to see the drive again.

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The ASPI layer from the Adaptec site only works with Adaptec ACSI cards...


If you have someone elses (why?) invest in a copy of EasyCD4 - it works great under W2K and even supports DirectCD!

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Open Control Panel

Administrative Tools

Computer Management

Go to Storage

Removable Storage

Physical Locations

Right click your CD Writer

Choose properties

Go to Media tab

Click the change button next to types

If you have a CDR drive then select and add CD-ROM and CD-R

If you have a CD-RW drive then select and add CD-ROM and CD-RW

Press OK

All should work now

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