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Nifty JavaScript Clock Thingy

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I got this sent to me via email from a web dev friend of mine (who got it from someone else, and so on), so I thought I would pass it along to you guys. Here is what it looks like active:




Might be kind of neat to use it with a dashboard if the mouse trailing portion was removed. Have fun with it.

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It's neat, though doesn't seem to work in NS6 or Opera 6 (Fine in IE and NS4).


I saw some similar ones around on a javascript website somewhere. Don't have the URL though.

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That's odd, as mine doesn't go over 8% and that's with a bunch of other things on in the background and moving the mouse all over the place.


EDIT: There must be some optimizations in either the general P4 processor, or in the Northwood versions, because my P3 goes to about 50% as well.

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