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Windows XP is starting to get to me [ZIP support]

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I posted that Windows XP Constructive Criticism post a while back noting some issues I have had with XP, now things are really starting to tick me off.


The ZIP support is really bothering me. I conducted a search for a file [i dislike the new search feature, too many questions], and XP insisted on searching through all my ZIPS in addition to the hard disk. While it was searching through the ZIPs CPU Usage jumps to 100%. Couldn't multitask at all, then when I tried to cancel the search, Explorer.exe crashed on me. This has happened on more than 1 occassion.


Everything is so sluggish now on XP. Thinking of going back to 2K until a Service Pack is issued for XP.


But my main question is how to REALLY get rid of integrated ZIP support. I tried this trick here:




But its results are flaky. I had to reenable ZIP support in Winrar after doing this. Seems to have an opposite effect.

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Do you use any other archivers besides WinZIP? I dumped WinZIP long ago, for Winrar because I like the RAR format. Maybe I'll try WinZip and associate it for ZIPS only.

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