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Real 4.1 audio???

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I am not extremely well versed on some audio configurations, especially as far as hom theatre goes.


I have an audigy and a logitech z560 setup.


There are 2 connectors on the z560 that plug into the audigy repectivly. Is this 4.1 surround sound?


If it is, then why on dvd's when I test sound, it works on the 4 sat's but not the sub-woofer for the ".1" bass???


Is there a special setting that needs to be allocated for the audigy or is this realisticly 4.1 audio?


Heh...sorry if the question may sound stupid.

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o yah


Its set up right.


I get tons of bass when playing mp3z and movies, just when I do the 4.1 test there is no sub bass sound.


Im just basiclly wondering if there is any configuration I need to do other than plugging in green jack to green cable, black to black and turn on power.

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I've never had a bass test in the speaker test. I don't think there's supposed to be one. I'm not worried as I have it in everything else.

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Well...see thats what I was thinking, but on a dvd there is a test for 4.1 audio, and there was no sound at all when the "sub-bass" was playing. It wasnt cause the frequency was to low, there is no sound what-so-ever. So...I was just wondering if this was a bunk test...or if there is crap I need to be hooking up as well as the speakers themselves

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