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How to install Linux under Quantum Disk manager

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Dear All,

I have an extra machine I wish to set up as a Win2k Server / Suse Linux Multi-boot SERVER. Unfortunately, the Bios ONLY supports up to 8.4GB, and the only way to utilize my 12GB drive would be to run it through the Quantum Disk Manager! Note: Even IF I set up the BIOS to use the drive as an 8.4GB drive, the drive WILL NOT BOOT! So All disk access/partitioning has to be done under the "supervision" of the Quantum Disk Manager! Also note that that I tried setting up Linux through a boot disk under the disk manager (since the machine cannot boot from a CD/DVD)! That failed and setup complained about not being able to access the drive or some BS like that! NOTE: Windows 2000 Server set up worked just fine soI know for a FACT its not a physical problem!


Can anyone help me? ANY FEEDBACK IS WELCOME! Also, please feel free to post links to Linux forums so i can post this message there! Please help another Computer Science Student delay his coding for an hour! wink


Note: Intended Operating systems:


Windows 2000 Server (currently installed! I'm writing this message from it!)

SuSE Linux Profesional 7.3 (kernel 2.4.10)


Note: I want to set it up as such just to mess with server stuff and learn more about it (your average computer geek!)



Thanx for taking the time, effort, and patience to read through this. I appreciate your (if any) feedback!!! smile

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I have had ALOT of questions answered by this forum.



I have never owned a quantum hard drive, and have never have used the disk manager program in question.


The question I have is this:


You will need a minimum of 3 partitions, one for win2k and 2 for linux. Is this why you are running into problems??? Is the quantum disk manager limited to ntfs and/or fat partitions?

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thanx CrazyKillerMan. The Disk Manager is limited to Fat 16/32 partitions, BUT I have already created thre fat32 partitions for linux. I intend to start linux setup, and have it format these partitons as swap,and 2 ext3s The only problem is Linux setup refuses to start under this disk manager!

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Dear CrazyKillerMaster, I REFUSE to try a diffrent distro of linux, LOL. The 3 major distros are 1.)RedHat 2.)Mandrak 3.) SuSE


In my personal opinon SuSE is the best of al three! I HATE RedHat! Mandrake is OK, but it still doesn't beat SuSE in many ways! U should try SuSE Linux Professional 7.3! Its WONDERFUL!


Anyways, Does anyone have a solution to my problem? ALL FEEDBACK IS WELCOME AND VERY APPRECIATED!


Thanx again,



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Its crazykillerman

I have tried SUSE before, and I did like it. There are 2 types of users out there...linux users and linux users. :P

I didnt know that you were into SUSE as much, so I suggested some alternative.

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you've probably already checked, but.. have you checked the mobo for newer bios updates? i remember having an old mobo but they released support for bigger drives.

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Oops, Sorry dude! I didn't wanna butcher your name. SOrry again dude! My appologies!


Anyways, for everyone who wants to give linux a shot, especially Linux newbies (like myself), SuSE is the "windows" of Linux. Its AWESOME! Easy to use AND with all the standard features available in other distros like RedHat and Mandrake! I'm HOOKED on SuSE!


By the way, There are NO BIOS updates for my board that solve this problem! My board is a Micronics Lightning W6-Li Dual Pentium Pro motherboard. Its running two pentium pros @ 200MHz each, and 256MB of EDO buffered RAM.


Anyways, neither www.diamondmm.com nor www.micronpc.com have any updates that fix the 8.4GB limit. Anybody has any ideas/tips/solutions? I welcome and gladly accept ANY AND ALL FEEDBACK folks!


Thanx everyone for being ever so much hepful! I owe this great community! smile

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Hi All,

Just refreshing the post. I just went to www.quantum.com and www.maxtor.com and none of them had any knowledge articles about Quantum drives and the 8.4GB BIOS limit!


Can anyone help me? I have NOT gotten this problem solved yet!

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