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Brian Frank

Uh-oh. Bill in consideration would ban home-built PC's.

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If you haven't seen this thread over atAnandtech, you might want to. Apparently, a senator is sponsering a bill that would, among other things, outlaw home-built PC's. 8)


I seriously hope this is a joke, but read for yourselves and see...

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Sounds a lot like the post office trying to charge for emails. Plus, even if it was true, government representatives have tried to push through dumber things in the past and failed.

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Yeah, the whole premise of the bill essentially incapacitates the PC industry from what I read. It would also outlaw open-source stuff.

Just goes to show that the government doesn't always know what they are doing.


It's the thought of the government even attempting something like this that's scary.


But, you're right, this thing probably won't pass.

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The scary part is that a representative has even thought up of something like this. They only see one side, and that's cushioning Hollywood. So all the consumer's get screwed--big deal. Ban all Open-source stuff...ummm and Windows doesn't have an OS monopoly now?

It's stuff like this that make me want to not tell people on-line I'm an American. Never underestimate the power of stupid officials!

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smile Be proud you are an American and show it Brian, even the govt has free speech and opinions, hehe. Scarry thought.


Some day we will be reading of this on a joke page.

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Some of us are laughing now.


Because any idiot that passes it probably won't be voted in for office again.



This is seriously polical suicide.

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Yeah right!Then probably we are going to be charged for every galon of air we breathe!

I don't believe that these stuff can actually happen for good...

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