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mandrake 9.0 install

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Newbie question. Have just tried to install Mandrake 9.0 onto a separte drive in my system. It locks up at the video selection portion. After trying several things to try and uninstall 9.0 on this drive my computer has finally gotten tired of me messing around and no longer even recognizes the drive. I would like to be able to reformat this drive and start over but have not been able to do so. Have even tried using a win 98 cd but that also is a no go. I have unplugged this drive and am up and running on the main drive with XP. Any help appreciated.

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It's been a while since I used Windows, so I'm going on memory here. Did Windows say anything when you uninstalled that drive? Maybe reinstall it and see if Windows re-recognize it. Windows will asign it a letter,( will it not?), like maybe "E" or something. Then it's just a matter of finding that drive in "My Computer" right clicking and formatting it. Make sure you format the right drive though! smile

Hope this helps.



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