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Everybody empty their pockets....Somebody stole my IIS !!!

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With my incredible ability to constanly screw-up good things, I have now lost a good, close friend....my IIS. I was foolin' around with Add/Remove Windows Components, like a dumba*s, and now my IIS has either went to lunch, resigned his position, or booked a flight to the Bahamas for some well deserved RnR. I tryed installing it back in, but when I go to Start > Programs > Administration Tools, its not there !!??


When I try to launch IIS from C:\winnt\system32, I get the following scary message:


Snap-in failed to initialize

Name: -not available-

CLSID: {A841B6C2-blahblahblah}


Wuz up wit dat sh*t??


Also, I'm now getting a sh*tload of errors in the EV cause everything that is dependent on IIS is not working now....such as, FTP and SMTP.


Luckily, this isn't our primary server. This server is our secondary server...which is really just a machine that I play around on. So, no real harm in having to reinstall....other than the complete hassle.


Any ideas where my good buddy IIS went ??

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I figured it out...


IISADMIN service was was messed up. I completely uninstalled it, reinstalled it, and now all is good up in da hood !!

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