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Zone Alarm 3

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Hello everybody


Well, with the release of the full version of Zone Alarm 3, there shouldn't be anymore problems with Non-Operational connections to the net which was caused by Zone Alarm 2. smile


But, I have already found problem with ZA3. I have been recieving javascript errors on my schools WebCT site plus others which only occur when I am running ZA3. If a shut it down then everything works properly and with online quizes lasting longer than 30 minutes, it's a long time to be on the net without an active firewall.:(


Apart from this problem, what are your likes/dislikes/problems with Zone Alarm 3?

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I disliked ZA for the same reasons, many things online didn't work when it was active, including the ability of people connection to my pc, when i was the host to a game. As soon as i would shut it down, everything was back to normal.


I to be honest, that happened with ZA from versions 1.2.x to 2.6.x. Recently, I resorted to Norton's Personal Firewall 2002, which is not free of course :(, but it doesn't behave as annoyingly as ZA.

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People couldn't connect to you? I like that in a firewall. smile Seriously though, it should allow the packets through but if it uses udp I can see why it wouldn't. ZA pro has more features that allow direct port opening. Most new games tell you what ports to open, making this easy.

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