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Printers In W2K

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I have a large W2k Network using active directory, is there any way to force a network print onto every user's profile so they dont have to install it and set it up on every machine they log onto. This is very frustrating in a school situation. Hope some one can help

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If you publish the printer(s) to AD and assign them to the groups (students?) And make sure that the drivers are that are required are placed on the server that the printer resides on, then I think the install will be run a the first logon.


From what I can tell, Clutch is the guy to ask.

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Damn, I seem to be missing quite a few posts lately...;)


I have something that *should* work, so here's what I will give you:


1. Make a script file (.bat in this case as I still love batch files), and put the following in it without the quotes:


rundll32 printui,PrintUIEntry /in /n \\<servername>\<sharename>

Replace the <servername> and <sharename> values with yours, of course smile.


2. Next, go to the OU for your students as CatDog was suggesting, and what I haven't tried yet (will try tonight) is go into the group policy assigned to it, and then browse to the user config as shown below and add this batch file to it. I would probably copy this file to the NETLOGON share as it will be replicated (in theory, to those who have seen otherwise :cool smile to your other DCs.




If I find any other issues, I will post them here. But, this should do it. Since you are speaking of using AD everywhere, I am under the assumption that you are using Windows 2000 or better (this was tested on XP Pro clients connecting to Win2K servers), but this *should* work on Windows NT and 98SE+ (I think).


Here are a couple of the sources where I got my info:









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