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I'm getting the above BSOD every hour. I don't understand why, the computer has been running fine for about a week and now i keep getting this error.


My system specs (nothing overclocked):


athlon xp 1700

msi k7t turbo2 (via kt133a)

512 MB ram pc133

elsa geforce 3 ti200

hercules gamesurround fortissimo 2

pinnacle tv card


OS: windows 2000 professional



Has anyone experienced this?


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I'm having exactly the same trouble, though my system has been up and running for around a year and a half. It seems to me my problem started when I contracted a virus (from what source I don't know...I'm very careful about such).


I'm hoping Nemesis is wrong, but I'm getting to the point that I think that's going to be the only way to take care of the problem. I've tried a couple of Warm-Reinstalls and it didn't help, nor did anything else I've tried.


Good luck!

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Hi guys!


I'm also a victim of BSOD KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED classpnp.sys - every 60 min.

System Profile

- Win2K Pro on a PII, 350 Mhz, 384MB RAM, 2 HDD

(IDE-1 30GB Maxtor Ultra Max Plus ATA/100 DMA and

IDE-2 8.4GB Maxtor UltraMax ATA/33 DMA)

- HDD connected on Maxtor/Promise Ultra ATA/100 Adaptor Card.

- OS resided on 30GB HDD in 4GB partition.


Have tried the following solutions, but no avail.

1. To begin with, I installed Win2K Pro SP1 last year. No problems (related to above error) until last week when first attack of BSOD happened. Thought it was firewall, got rid of it. Problem persisted. (


2. Checked MS KB, found an article 311278 related to STOP 0x1E errors and classpnp.sys - solution was to upgrade to SP3. While doing upgrade, system crashed and had to clean install Win2K with SP3. One hour later, the same BSOD with STOP 0x1E error in classpnp.sys eek (


3. Went back to internet, found that error is related to Maxtor HDD's SMART technology. Downloaded Maxtor's Powermax diagnostics software to check HDDs. Found that my 30GB HDD had SMART problem. Waiting for replacement at present from Maxtor (thanks for their promptness) eek ?


4. So, migrated the system to 8GB HDD with clean install of Win2K SP3. One hour later, the same BSOD. ? ( cry


Any solutions? My weekend's been destroyed by this silly error. Some say change the location of controller card to different PCI slot, I might try that. Also, I've downloaded new drivers for Ultra 100 from Promise Technologies website. These are my only weapons left. Any ideas to get rid of my misery? Would XP help?


Thanks in advance.

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seems odd that every hour on the hour the error occurs.

what happens once an hour.

scheduled task?, time check?

power management turning the hd's off

bios power management turning things off


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No scheduled tasks every hour or screen saver.

I've done 3 clean installs of Win2K SP3

Haven't had a chance to play with power console, but doubt that causes anything

Computer could be idle or in the middle of executing some program, BSOD comes up with the exact same error by the clock.


In past, I used to get errors (not STOP errors) with Ultra, but they seemed to have stopped and given way to this new periodic phenomenon that seems to exist for other users too (see above).


Any ideas? ?

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I am a SURVIVOR of the "hourly BSOD - KMODE Exception not Handled - classpnp.sys" nightmare! I've been scrouging through all the boards on this subject since it just started happening last week. Rchhabra - thanks for the suggestion of up[censored] the Promise driver. It worked - the machine has been on all night without one BSOD!


System Profile:

- Win2K Pro on a Dell XPS-R400 PII, upgraded to PIII 1000 Mhz

- SP3 applied

- 384MB RAM

- 2 HDD

IDE-1: 60GB WD ATA/100 DMA

IDE-2: 40GB Maxtor DimondMax ATA/100 DMA

- HDD connected on Maxtor/Promise Ultra ATA/100 Adaptor Card

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im having the same classpnp.sys bsod, i just started to get it, after having no problems with my :


amd k-6-2 550

Via P5a mobo

Maxtor ata/100 add-on card

maxtor 160 hd

Western dig. 29 gig

and geforce 2 gts


i dont know y im suddenly gettin them, but i get them every 20 min or so. i noticed that i have the add-on maxtor ata/100 card.. could that be the problem???

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I too was a victim of the dreaded hourly BSOD. I finally narrowed the problem down to 2 things Hard drive and controller. I have a Fujitsu 40GB hard drive and the Maxtor ATA/100 add-in card. The first problem was that I had an out of date driver on my Maxtor card. The second problem was that my hard drive was sending SMART failure prediction codes to the controller. With the version of the driver I was running, the SMART failure was not handled correctly, causing the BSOD. I went to Adaptec's site and downloaded the newest driver for my controller and installed it. The BSOD went away, and the SMART failure was logged into the event viewer properly. (It occurred exactly an hour after I rebooted from installing the new driver). Incidentally, after up[censored] the driver, I only got the SMART failure once and no more. The system ran all night without any more errors at all. Hope this information helps!!

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