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To see or not to see ...

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Hi co-networkers,


How does it come,

that a WinNT or WinXP host can see a Win95 client in the LAN,

but the client can't see the host?


Ping works fine in both directions.

Network printing works from the host to the client,

but not from the client to the host.


There must be missing something in the network setup of the Win95 client.

Thanx for hints and recommendations!






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Can you be a bit more specific?What do you mean by client can't see host but it can ping it?You see the computer but cannot access the files?Does it asks you for a username/password?

If this is the case, then try either enabling guest account on your XP machine(not secure though), or even better creating a user on XP with the same username that win95 machine logs on.

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Try waiting about 5 minutes also. I've seen this many times, as the master browser on the network updates its list. On a lan with less than 100 pc's it will be under 5 min. For larger lans, you could have to wait around 15 min.


Are you using wins, or is this a peer to peer network?

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Setup peer-to-peer:

1 host winNT or winXP + 1 client win95

Both hosts same reactions with the client.


Host can see the client:

Under network neighbourhood appear:

- the workgroup name

- the host machine name

- the client machine name

And all these icons can be opened

and the contents can be accessed.


Client cannot see the host:

Icon network neighbourhood can't be opened.

On double-click an error-message appears,

saying that no network is installed -

after having installed it several times (uninstall - install again).


Thanks for suggestions :-)


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O.K. now it's clearer. It seems like 95 is going nuts, not allowing you to open the network neighbourhood. Since you can ping the host from the client though, why don't you try to create a shortcut on your client machine that links directly to the host machine. For example create shortcut to: \\hostmachinename\C and then do the same for any other drives you have on the host.

I know that that's not the solution you're looking for but as a temp solution is better than nothing.

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Thanx for your solution - a very usefull work-around.



Remains the problem,

that the client cannot do network printing.

A main target of the LAN was,

to use the printer connected to the host machine.

On the Win95 machine no printer connected to the host can be selected.

Same hurdle:

error message saying that there is no network installed.


From the WinNT or WinXP host no problem:

prints fine on the printer connected to the Win95 machine.


I am afraid that there might be no work-around for that problem ...





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First, make sure that you have "File and Print Sharing" installed and properly configured on the workstations that you want seen on the network. Next, make sure that NetBIOS over TCP/IP is enabled on all of the workstations (not just "Get this option from DHCP settings").


Now, if this doesn't work, then here's something else you can try that's a lot more dependable than Network Neighborhood (without WINS/DDNS, it's very unstable). Depending on whether or not you have missed a refresh cycle, the browse service can actually take up to 55 minutes (and not 15) to pick up a new machine. Now, something you could do is just go to the "LMHOSTS.SAM" file (%windir%\system32\drivers\etc) and edit it following the examples. Just add the workstation names and their respective IPs, and afterward remove the ".SAM" extension. Then, just copy that file to the other workstations and they should now be certain of what name goes to what IP, and not have to go through such a long name resolution loop to get to the proper resource.

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