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MS VBscript error tring to post to another forum

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I get a MS VBscript error when I try to post a message to another forum. When I go to view that message it also comes up with the error message. This is using Opera, Netscape & IE.


On my other bootable drive, no problem Both are running 2k w/sp2 installed.


I know it isn't this forum but I feel it is a MS O/S p[roblem Something missing or corrupted.


Any ideas?


The exact message is:


Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0006'


Overflow: 'cint'


/thread.asp, line 318

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That's a problem with their page, or more specifically line 318 on "thread.asp".

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But why is it only one of my drives?

The other is fine..........doesn't that point to a corrupted file on that drive?

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But why is it only one of my drives?
The other is fine..........doesn't that point to a corrupted file on that drive?

Dunno, but that is definitely a server-side problem (trust me on this) ie. the problem is on their end, not yours.

One reason it could be happening in only one of your drives though is that a cookie stored in one OS is breaking their code. This is only a slight possibility (their code would have to really suck) and unlikely if it's happening in multiple browsers. There could be any number of reasons why it is occuring, but if it is the case then deleting the offending cookie may fix you up.

Other than that, mail the owners of the forum with the complete error message and see if they can fix their code.

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That sounds about right. It could be that you have one particular config that it isn't prepared for (such as requesting a var that doesn't exist or is contradicting one that already does). However, ASP code is handled server-side, so I wouldn't worry about it.

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When I when back into the first drive (the one that I had the problem with) I went to that forum and re-traced my steps, re-opened up my posts and all were fine!!! I posted another thread and that was fine!!


Never had that happen before, I just assume that I had a problem since it was a MS message but on their web page.


Unfortunately I don't understand scripts, VB which I assume is Visual Basic, or the rest of that message for that matter.


What is ASP code?

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ASP (Active Server Pages) is a script-based code that is a lightweight version of Visual Basic Scripting (VBS), and is commonly combined with ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) to make pages dynamic and connect to datasources. This type of page was release by MS to make dynamic page writing easier to do and to help remove the need for CGI scripting and/or dll compiling. The current version is ASP.NET (.asax and .aspx) and it allows for the use of both VB.NET and C# at the moment, and can allow for other languages as well provided that they can speak to the .NET Framework.

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Sorry I asked...........


Much thanks, I just did a fresh install of 2k and almost had a heart attack when this came up. This was th only MS problem (or so I thought) that has surfaced.

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I write stuff in it, so that was the simplest explanation I could come up with that would cover most bases without getting too involved. smile

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