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My C Drive Partition is running out of room

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I am running Windows XP Professional on a machine I received from my work when my company folded. I got the machine but very little of the software I need to use for development so I can't really reinstall.


I have a 20 GB drive which was partitioned with a very small C partition and a large D partition. I have tried to install all programs to the D drive but am still almost out of space on my C drive because some things are required to be on C.


I also have another 20 GB drive which I currently use primarily as a backup.


Can I:

a) Change the amount of space allocated to the C drive with unused space from the D drive without reformatting?

B) Add the 2nd Hard Drive as virtual space for my C drive using the MountVol command?


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Thanks for your quick reply.


Would Partition Magic allow me to Change the amount of space allocated to the C drive with unused space from the D drive without reformatting?

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I just looked at the PowerQuest Site. That looks like it will do the trick for me.


Thanks for all your assistance.

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Good little program that is, it should resize it no prob.

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I would move swap file to D: smile it usually takes arround 500megs smile


BTW: Sometimes I had problems with Partition Magic & NTFS drives... Sometimes it generates some strange errors... But it's anyway worth of trying smile



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You don't give too much info, do you ?

Here a few tricks to trim down windows:

Move the SWAP file, like iks said, thats a biggie

Turn off hibernation, delete hiberfil.sys, it takes as much space as you have RAM

Delete all *.tmp files

Run the Programs /Accessories/System Tools /Disk Cleanup with everyhting enabled.

Go through all *.bmp files, which ones do you really need ?

Open the Add/remove applet in control Panel- which programs & parts of windows do you really need?

Make a search in google on "trim down windwows" and similar..


Apart from this, Partition Magic works very well if you don't wan't to do any cleaning...



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Also, u can turn off System Restore, Cut down the VM, when i do a fresh installl of XP, i have a 4.5g part. for it XP sets my VM to 900mb - 1500mb, and i only got 512 in my sys, so this can be cut down, and or moved to another drive, which makes it faster anyways.

POwequest i do not trust


twice on win 2k i was doing as you wanted, moving space to another drive. Both times it frooze on me and i lost over 40+g of info. was not happy, and will never use it again.

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Partition magic is a demo meaning it wont make changes until its purchased. ANyone know of any free programs ???

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try to use acronis disk director, you can download the trial version from there site. and as i know it allow to use all features for 14 days.

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