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Can't connect to DSL modem thru Linksys router...

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For some reason, I can't connect to my DSL modem thru my Linksys router. The modem is of course connected to the WAN port of my Linksys router. My DSL modem has a html interface, but I can't connect to it unless I plug straight into the modem from my computer.


I don't have very much setup yet, as far as my ISP's settings for the modem, or the settings in the router, so that may be the problem. But I'm asking anyway, incase it's something to do with the port-forwarding or firewall.



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you'll most likely have to setup PPOE in your router, but it depends on how you log on to the ISP and how they authenticate you. Some ISP use the MAC address of your NIC.

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As three mentioned, did they ask about your NIC MAC? If so, you can enter that into your router and it will show that number as your MAC to your ISP so it will think your machine is directly connected. That's the first thing I can think of.

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sorry, i just woke up and not thinking that clear yet...re-read your post and noticed you your adsl is using html interface...well..*maybe* they are having conflicting ip's, you might wanna look into that too. (eg. ADSL & Linksys both using Try changing your Linksys IP.

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The problem is this: I am the very first customer to get DSL from my ISP, and they're complete morons. They don't have any settings to give me because they claim they don't know what they are yet. The DSL connection light is ON on the front of my modem, so I know the phone company has done their work. So I'm sitting here with a nice fat pipe coming into my house, but I can't use it until my ISP gets their sh*t together.


Another thing, my modem has PPPoE, PPPoA, DHCP, DNS, NAPT, and all kinds of other stuff....So I really haven't figured how to set it up as a standard, always connected modem. I would suspect that I need to do that to get my router setup correctly.


I'll try the mac address trick...and we'll see what happens.


Thanks guys...I'll let you know the status

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