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You've mentioned before that you run EPO on your network. I've just been given the task of managing it here in our domain. I was wondering if you could help me out with the answer to this question:


All the clients are running McAfee 4.5.1, and are configured to grab the Dat files of a server which downloads the updates daily, Is it possible from my computer to force a Dat update? I only seem to be able to configure schedules, I can't find a "run now" command anywhere. Any suggestions?


Thanks in advance.

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It looks like you will still have to use the scheduler to make this work out. However, what you can do is just make it a one time scan, and then update the date/time whenever you want to use it again. I have done similar things with SMS, and it works fine. Just title the task "One time update" or something similar, and that will help you keep it separated from your normally scheduled DAT updates.

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Cheers, It seems funny that there isn't a forced update function. No doubt I'll be back later with more questions.


Thanks for the help.

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The only reason why I can think of for not doing that would be to make sure it ran just once at a specific time (rather than possibly being in a loop if a client was mis-reporting its completion status). In this manner, it would simply mean "run once on Friday 03/22/02 at 0500" and all the machines would know to run it at this time.

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