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Win Nt and larger HDs -->beyond 8.4GB

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Is there any limitation in NT that would prevent it from recognizing

larger HDs? how about 40GB, (please disregard fat16 limitation)

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No. It's a hardware thing. You'd probably be looking at chopping up a drive into a number of partitions, but as long as the motherboard (or appropriate addon card) will support the drive's size, you shouldn't be in trouble.

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Thank You, truly appraciate it guys,


well, yes, I have winnt fat16 limitation issue resolved, I can deal with that.

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I could never get NT4 to install on a hard disk that was larger in size than 2 gigs or so even if I partitioned it.

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Odd, I did it regularly. The last drive that I can remember installing NT4 on was 30GB, and I created a 2GB system partition to install it on, and once I got my SP on it I would make a new partition out of the remainder.

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thanks again, 30GB!!, that's what I wanted to hear I guess as I want to get a 40GB one.

I think I have enough confidence, thanks.

Of the 3 I think I definitely want the maxtor, unless someone has other ideas, suggestions..?


40 GB Maxtor Diamond Max Plus Ultra-133 7200RPM 2048k 8.5ms OEM $149.99

40 GB Seagate Barracuda IV Ultra-100 7200RPM 2048k 9ms OEM $149.99

40 GB Western Digital Caviar Ultra-100 7200RPM 2048k 8.9ms OEM $149.99

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Seagate seems to be complained about the least of those three. I like Maxtor too, but I've RMA'd 3 drives in recent history. Never seen a bad WD, and I've seen quite a few. I've only run into one Seagate, and that 150MB (yup) is still workin' in some kid's PC last I knew, and it was old when I got it

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Thanks a great deal for so much response guys,

The fact is WinNT is installed on a smaller SCSI HD, partition and this would be as a second HD,

thanks again and all the best to You.

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