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My Win2000 Server is started to act funny in the past week. Every so often it would loose all network printers connection. The print service spooler has been stop (not by anyone). I have to go and restart it backup and than printing is fine.


Also the event logs show me this


The browser was unable to retrieve a list of servers from the browser master \\SERVERNAME on the network \Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{28B79676-E85C-4CE7-8191-37BCA9764B77}. The data is the error code.


The description for Event ID ( 4-digit numbers ) in Source ( TermServDevices ) could not be found. It contains the following insertion string(s):


== This I started to get every time the server boots...NO clue


Someone help..I almost have to restart the printer services everyday now

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Is your NETLOGON service stalling out as well? What sort of name/resource resolution system are you using (DDNS, WINS, etc)?

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According to the services, NETLOGON is started. I have a NT 4.0 PDC set up with WINS, and DHCP. All network printer are controlled by the print server on the PDC. The win2000 box runs our production database set up as terminal server. All users access/print through a terminal server clients. This just start happening about a week ago. Any idea?

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Do your logs show anything unusual about that time? Does your network properties dialog still have the right entries for WINS, DNS, etc as it did before? It just sounds like it might be having a problem with understanding resource validation, and it wants to become the browse master to alleviate this. Did you find anything on Technet resembling this issue?

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I get TerServDevice could not be found (Probably because my printer spooler was stop by some freak reason)

Than the Browser cannot find a list of server...

MS Knowledge base have something similiar but not exactly and it suggest re-install the Termservices (but I think getting the browser error fix would likely take care of it too...hopeful).

I was thinking of deleting the WINS database and do a complete reboot of all servers (4), with PDC being up first. I'll try anything now cause the error's starting to be frequent now.


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The browser service has failed to retrieve the backup list too many times on transport \Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{D61EA51F-0E29-47E3-BF52-7B12D762C5E9}. The backup browser is stopping.


The description for Event ID ( 1100 ) in Source ( TermServDevices ) could not be found. It contains the following insertion string(s): .


I'm stumped.

So far the problems lies with only printing through terminal server mode. MS suggest a registry hack but I hope someone can give a better solution.

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