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Moving drive to another cpmputer.

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I want to move a drive with all my programs to another computer with a different chipset (VIA KT-133E to a Wintell BX40).


I have read M$ articles on sysprep and HAL's and all of that BUT I am looking for someone that has done this before that has a better way without copying all that stuff to a file and doing a merge into the registry etc.


I did this once before just by deeleting the enum key in the registry and letting 98SE detect everything all over agian. Yes, there were problems, but they were dealt with one at a time.


Yes I also know 2k is different. I do have sp2 installed if that matters.


The destination system has a Highpoint controller where the orginating system does not. I tried it already, but I get the 'stop error, inaccessable boot device' screen. The Highpoint controller does reconize the drive ok by the way.

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Your fortune cookie is very likely to read: Your SOL...


On the other hand, if you have a backup of all the files, you don't loose anything by trying, but it is not a good idea, especially not with the combo W2K, new chipset and new Highpoint controller. If you try, then install the highpoint drivers before you move the HD or have them copied on the disk if you can't install them.


The likelihood that it will fail completely is high. Besides, there is nothing smoother than a fresh install of windoze.



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I never believe in fortune cookies............

The Highpoint controller is recognized on boot, I can switch between drives (I have 2, both bootable, well, at least one is now) but I get to the 'stop message invalid boot device message'.

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I did this lots of times back in the days of Win 3.1, W95 and w98. W2K is a lot pickier with the hardware. I read your error message like W2K doesn't have (find) the drivers for the Highpoint controller. One idea is to try to boot to safe mode (no drivers etc) and see if you can install the Highpoint drivers. Better yet, boot off IDE 1 (on the new mobo) to see if that works and install the controllers there, then switch the cable back to Highpoint.


Still, I strongly advice you to do a nice, clean install with eveything as it should be... A fresh setup speeds up your system a lot more than most tweaks.



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I did try safe mode and no dice. I did think about moving off the controller bus, but wanted to see if I could resolve it without doing that first. (One nevers learns how to change a tire if someone else does it for you)


I pretty wrote off tring to rescue the imaged drive, and I agree from my past experiance that a fresh install is best, BUT, setup doesn't even see the drive!


The drive shows up in the controller (by the way it is the only drive), AND it shows in fdisk! Both partitions and the first is still active!


I tried to load the Highpoint controler driver durning F6 in setup but I get a error that a oem txt file wasn't found (which isn't on the floppy)! So I assume this is why I'm getting the no drive error?


I love 2k for its stablility BUT these quirks are really tough to deal with. Nothing seems to make sense why it's not working.


I installed 2k on the other computer over ME with no error messages (but no controller).


What I don't understand is on a fresh install, there isn't any drivers on the drive, is the driver on those 4 floppies that it loads just to see the drive in the early stages???

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That's because the setup is running from RAM (where everything runs from). Yeah, you'll need that TXTSETUP.OEM. You need that at the "top" of the drive (not under any folders) and the driver folder for the highpoint controller.

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I e-mailed Highpoint about the file not found issue.



Well............Highpoint has had a 'beta' driver out (1/01) that said it fixed a IBM drive issue. I didn't bother with that since it was beta and I have Maxtor HD.


BUT, I downloaded it just to see........AND the missing file WAS there AND it dealt with a Maxtor ATA100 issue!!!!!!!! Slight difference from what it said on the site!!


Wonders never seese.

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