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having problems with win2k?

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Fellas no offense but if ur new to comptuers dont try to run software that isnt officially released or supported. I mean I hear the goofiest questions being asked sometimes, and ridiculous unfounded statements being made.


We got 50 people saying d3d works and one crackhead says "no, no it doesnt work, it just sucks", he doesnt know wtf hes talking about obviously.


With hundreds of sites and posts on the net showing how to get d3d to work in rc1 and rc2, and u still cant get d3d to work then u dont need to be running win2k.


If your to lazy to do a SIMPLE search and find the answer then DONT run win2k...


I read in one of the posts that a guy couldnt get dx7 to work.. even after he was given the link to the final release... and he was running rc2.. something like "it was a fake dx7" was said for gods sake man... dude dont run win2k, if u cant even figure out the basics....


The d3d issue has been beat to death, if u CANT find the answer after a lil serach throug this forum THEN post a question.


the mirc channels alone are monumental sourece of info and help.. try


effnet #win2000


[This message has been edited by JimmyK (edited 09 November 1999).]

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Thank you!! I agree 100% I was the victem of that lovely dx7 if fake insult and I tell ya when you work at helping people out on this board and you get those certain individuals like that who basically insult your intelligence it is quite irritating and insulting. Why should I be wasting my time helping someone who can't figure the basics out, when I could be helping someone who turely requires and deserves it?

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I upgraded win nt 4.0 to build 2151, and installed the dx7 patch, and direct sound and direct input worked great. I know they worked because in quake I could use -primarysound parameter and _snd_mixahead 0.025 and it clearly used the primary buffer, and also I could use -dinput and mouse middle button would work fine. However, I installed the same build again, over the old 2151, and after installing dx7 patch direct input and direct sound weren't working redface.gif I have tried installing them a few times, but it doesn't help. So, there really can be problems even though you haven't run into one.

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Damn right there are problems I agree 100% with u luny but Im talkign about people like "Jordan Shaw" who jsut posted somethign at the top about d3d. He was to lazy to look a few posts below his to find the answer, and above all that his question is vague as HELL!! I cant tolerate people who expect us to be their Tech Support and are to lazy to spend 5 mintues to figure it out themselves.

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PS thanks for the support Cham smile.gif


[This message has been edited by JimmyK (edited 10 November 1999).]

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Good point. There's no reason people shouldn't observe the same kind of netiquette in these forums (fora?) that USENET demands.


Also, we have all these categories like "Junior Member" and "Senior Member" . . . maybe there should be one called "Idiot Member" assigned to people by acclamation?


[This message has been edited by YuppieScum (edited 10 November 1999).]

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I understand your point, but there is no

need to reply to anyones threads if you don't like it. A lot of people, including myself, are struggling with this beta release and getting it to work with my TNT2.

This board is a wealth of knowledge, but is also filled with incomplete sentences and misleading, unclear claims. If I personally have ever re-asked something it's just in an effort to help clear my question up.

I do see too many people jump to asking without looking around, to those I don't reply right away.


Heck, I still can't get UT or TRIBES to work with my TNT2 and I've tried just about everything, but that's ok, it's beta. I hope to see new drivers soon.


Unfortunately I've personally found IRC to little or no help at all (too many attitudes) and many websites are stale or contain broken links.


Just my comments, I agree with what you're saying regarding the "fake dx7 guy" as he didn't know his d**k from his mouse, but don't generalize his behavior to all of us that are struggling with this beta smile.gif

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Hugo - Good point, but at the same time I think we'd all like to keep the signal-to-noise ratio as high as possible - which means some people might get slapped around a bit smile.gif


viper - Is this some kind of come-on? Drop me a line when you're next in NYC...

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let's stop this now ok ? It makes no sence to call you when I am in NYC becaues it is to far away and I am only 2 times per year there (for work and kickbox....) .


I used the wrong words for my post and for that try to forgif me, but don't go on with such replies.



bye Viper

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