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Jedi Knight 2

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Anyone got it yet?


What's your impressions. I really Like it so far. PLays well, and music is great

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This game was slow at first, you get a little tired and frustrating.

But later on in the game not too long ago, it was awesome, because of starting to use force and using the lightsaber. It got me too addiction. I love it.

Try multiplayer, very cool.


If you like Dark Force and Jedi Knight I then, you'll like Jedi Knight II.


I give good two thumbs up. laugh

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I haven't totally gotten into the single player game. I'm just sorta putting up with it until I get the lightsaber, which is when I know the game will be lots more fun. Multiplayer is absolutely awesome, though, even if you completely suck at it like me. It seems like they got most of the force powers just right, and the lightsaber combat is lots of fun.

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Overall a good game so far. Looks like Raven mostly learned from their Elite Forces mistakes. Making you go through so much to get the saber is a waste of game time though. They should have added that programming time to the end of the game when you have the saber. Totally boring until you have it. But otherwise I love it so far.

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Love it to bits and I think it's about to make it's way into my list of favourite games of all time.


There are some flaws and problems in the game:


The Quake 3 engine is nice, but the FMV clips look very "tagged on" and painful to watch, just the way the Quake 3 engine works unfortunately.


There are far too many times in the game where it isn't obvious what you need to do next.

I like games with puzzles in, just running around and shooting and basic FPS games get so bloody boring!

But now and again I've found myself running around trying to find a new door/path etc.


There are a few bugs in the game at the moment, a couple are potentially game stopping and force you to revert to a previous saved game, both revolve around Jan - Damn that woman! smile

But i'm sure they will be patched out really quickly.


From the second I was in the game shooting Storm Troopers I loved it and still am doing although I hate sneaking levels, I much prefer combat no matter how hard the opponent!

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Guys I got a problem. I was playing it with my cordless mouse fine and then I decided to install the mouseware software. now I cant select mousewheel down or up for anything in the controls. any ideas?

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With mouseware, before any game I go into task manager and end the EM_EXEC task, all in game mouse functions work fine.


Back to Windows I just Start>Run>EM_EXEC and I'm good to go again.


Slight hassle but nothing too great.

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You can use the registry fix below to solve the mouse wheel problem permanently. Usual warnings about registry editing apply. Reboot after making the changes.









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a very cool game,only problem is the serious overuse of force powers in multiplayer....my only gripe.

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Absolutly excellent game smile The best bit about it is that ive almost finished it and i dont think ive used a gun since right at the start where you get the saber. You can do some great things as well smile like pushing ppl off cliffs with force push and force gripping them and slamming them into walls, or just holding them off a cliff and letting them go....fantastic smile

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Great game...Ecspecially when messing with the cheats in single player for some fast stress relief:


1) Ingame, hold down Shift and press ~

2) in the console, type HelpUsObi 1 ...then hit enter

3) in console, type god ...then hit enter

4) lastly, in console, type give all ...then exit console with ~


Have fun smile!! Its great to be able to take out 13 or 14 guys in about 4 seconds smile ...Muhahaha !!


I just wish I knew the command for constant force power...Anyone?

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Guys am I the only one that cant figure out how to enter the two codes on the panels for the fuel tanks in the starport chapter? I know the right codes but cant get the codes to change on the displays. (the red and blue ones)

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Just "use" them (CTRL key). Make sure you change the codes on the correct display though...


That's my one gripe about Jedi Knight - the use command is sometimes a little finicky, and you have to spend tinme manoeuvering the camera around to be able to press buttons, open doors etc.



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Just 'use' the displays and the codes should change. I kind of did it by a bit of luck really smile

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I jsut got past the part where you lead the base commander in the mines to open the doors. After dying the first time, I went ahead of him planted a remote bomb, then trip mines for the storm troop door. When he got close to the switch I was already a room apart and set the bomb off. that was funny as hell

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well i have been clicking use like crazy but the displays wont change. sigh

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Well then, evidently you didn't enable something earlier in the level. Go back, and make sure you didn't miss anything. I've noticed that this game is exactly like all the rest....Nuttin' but a buncha' pre-schoolish puzzles, mixed with some really fun killing:p, some good ol' blood-n-guts, and a completely retarded plot that shows similarity to a 6th graders attempt at a science fiction novel laugh


But guess what? ...Somehow I manage to sit at my machine for hours on end, completely engulfed in those retarded plots !! laugh

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klark I did, I searched the level and even used noclip to fly around and look. I cant find anything that I did not activate to my knowledge. Lando is standing outside by some keypad thingie looking stupid

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Ya I know, that fuel tank/ship port level is rather stupid. Later tonight, I'll run thru it again, and I'll take some notes on what I did. Then I'll just PM you....


Cool? smile

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i love the force push followed by a quick saber slash, thats fun

I love the force push over a cliff. smile

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