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Jedi Knight 2

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Love the game


But i can not get any of the light saber moves to work in multi, u know, push arrow key side ways, and swing, it all just does the same thing.


Also., i can not get grip to work! HOw close do u have to be? i have had a guy stand thier while i try it, but no go....ARGH! HELP!


at all, i can get push to work, what am i doing wrong!!!!

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Ok...been playing that level for you. Which keypad is Lando standing infront of?? ..the one that you first come to in the small room overlooking the ship bay?? Or, the one that is in the cockpit inside the ship??


Cause what you have to do next depends on what keypad he's at, and what he has recently instructed you to do.


Let me know...just PM me, so we don't keep bumping this thread back up top.



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Ok...been playing that level for you. Which keypad is Lando standing infront of?? ..the one that you first come to in the small room overlooking the ship bay?? Or, the one that is in the cockpit inside the ship??...

He could also be standing in front of the keypad outside, on the level below where the ship is kept. You need to get to the room in the middle (opposite the hangar door), but I can't remember how to get there...
The buttons on the fuel tank won't work until Lando is inside the ship.


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I remember being lost at this part of the game too. I think what I had to do was force push the crates at both sides of the hanger. There are hidden grates under them.

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I get very poor performace when using volumetric shadwows? anyone else having this problem?

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I remember being lost at this part of the game too. I think what I had to do was force push the crates at both sides of the hanger. There are hidden grates under them.

Except that pr-man isn't in the hangar yet! I'll go back and have an explore tonight.


I get very poor performace when using volumetric shadwows? anyone else having this problem?

No, performance hasn't noticeably dropped @ 1024x1078 on a GeF3 - but Kyle's shadow does strange things when it's projected from a high place...


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I have already done the grates in the hangar. and turned on all the switches on both sides. only switch that is still red is in the cockpit of the ship itself

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I find that this game is the best game i have ever played. The mutliplayer is very fun, anyone who says it is unfair just need to figure out the right force powers and what works for you. EVERYTHING has some counteractant you just need to find it. The light saber is probably the most powerful weapon in the game when combined with the right force amounts and combinations, just like it should be. I find it very nice that projectiles can be sent back to their originator; nothing like watching that homing missile kill the person that shot it.


The capture the ysalimari mode is very cool because it adds a nice twist to mutliplayer in having the force-resistant bubble. The only down-side to the game is the lack of CTF&Y maps, there are only 4 total it sucks so much. Hopefully some new good maps will be on their way.


This game will go down in history with games such as the Dark Forces predecesors of this game, and Quake(s), Counter-Strike, and many more.


9 1/2 out of 10

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weird question.

anyone got the first game?

i have never played it

Which one? Dark Forces or Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith? laugh

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