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Some lags with Menu & Favorites

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Using XP Pro, 512MB DDR. Menu Delay set to 0, but somehow I feel the computer is slow displaying the menu or favorites. I know my Favorites are quite complex with possibly 1000 links arranged in a many folders and sub-folders, but it's still too slow compared to Win98SE with the same Favorites structure. Win98SE can display any folder/subfolders and its contents in a snap without delay, but XP seems to suffer a lag when it's about to display a subfolder or its contents, as if they need to be retrieved from harddisk all the time.


I admit I've tweaked XP's Services. Could this be caused by some services being disabled ? I've tried to enable all services, but it does not solve the problem.


I doubt if this is because of the software modem I use because it also happens even when offline. CPU usage doesn't show a problem either, only around 5-6%.


Anyone can give me advice ?

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When I have 32-bit color on the desktop or JPG image as the backdrop I get lag because the menu fade effect takes longer to render in 32-bit, well for me anyway, everything is snappy in 16-bit. As for the JPG image its like ActiveDesktop enabled for 9x/2K, switch to a bitmap image or change your current one into BMP format.

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easy way to fix this is to just turn off menu fading/sliding.

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Turning off the fade effects from the Display Properties will speed somethings up. While it is rare, some antivirus programs running in the background can also slow up icon and menu redraws. I noticed this with InoculateIt (no longer supported by CAI).

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Yeah, PC-cillin would really slow stuff like searches & being able to access the right-click menu of a file in Explorer if I left the realtime file monitoring on, so I just make sure I scan everything I download.

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I always turned off fade effects, and all other effects. I'm using pure classic mode. I think it must be something else.

Do you guys at least feel this lag when you browse favorites or menu ?

Do you feel it any slower compared to Win98SE ?

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Check in your device manager under IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers, check both channels and make sure you are running in some form of DMA mode. SOMETIMES with SOME drives XP will put it into PIO MODE. Also what type of video card do you have? Another thing that slows down XP is System Restore.

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