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Problem w/ Norton AnitV 2000 v. 6.0

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Until this morning, we have successfully used Norton AntiVirus 2000 ver. 6.0. This afternoon however, when we attempted to do a Live Update, the system stalled about 1/3 of the way through the initial Update Screen, the screen where Live Updates checks to see what updateable programs or utilities are on your system. No matter how long we wait, the process doesn't move forward. When we <click> on Cancel, again the system stalls. We have to "End Task". We're running the latest patches and updates and have un and re-installed.


Any ideas?

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That has happened to me before...I manually installed the virus defs and 2 days later the prob was gone. I think It wasn't connecting to their server properly

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Thanks for the words of encouragement! You may be right; our second system downstairs works like a charm. Guess I'll wait it out and see what happens.


In the interim, however, I just sent an e-mail to Symantec indicating the problem and that I was going to install NAV2002 on both systems; but, before I do, that I would like to know where I could go for a listing of all registry entries NAV2000 might have written to my systems so I could manually remove any of them that were left over after running Add/Remove Programs. While I'm anticipating a brush-off response, should be interesting to see what they come back with.


Thanks again for the prompt reply........SnapperOne (aka Steven)

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