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WTF My brand new Maxtor 80 gig 7200rpm is showing only 75gig

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Personally I've got no intention of trying to convert you.

Live and let live I say.

For the same reason I wont try and convert people from Win9x to an OS based on WinNT.

If people cannot be bothered to do the research themselves and see the obvious differences then that is up to them.

Or be told the differences but still want more.... *shrugs*


I have full respect for those that want to stay with older technology, there is a good argument about staying with what has been tried and tested rather than moving to something new.

I'll always stay just off bleeding edge and if anybody asks my opinion I'll report back on my experiences with that said product/system.


My report on the NTFS file system is a few simple words:

Fast, secure and not prone to file system errors like some others.

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Guys I just ran HD Tach 2.61 on that new maxtor (dont know how accurate these numbers are since its so old and im running XP) and it says im at 13.7% cpu utilization, access time 12.7ms, Read speed:Maximum 44978.0kps, minimum 20320.0kps, average 35074.1kps


Do these numbers seem right to you guys?


PS I do have the Maxtor formated to NTFS

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What controller do you have those drives connected to? Must be the onboard one because I haven't seen such high utilization numbers in awhile. Have you turned on DMA and updated your busmaster drivers?

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Promise Ultra100TX2


im running a Epox 8K7A mobo with the amd761 northbridge and via southbridge. I think XP has the most updated stuff for it

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Though I didn't read the whole thread... did you format your 80GB hard drive as one partition?

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also guys what is the best program under XP to use to test my new HD, check for bad sectors errors etc. And also to benchmark it

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That's why, when you format a large hard drive under one partition, it creates slack space because the it doesn't use the cluster space effectively, that's one reason why they say to make 10GB partitions using FAT32. :P You just have to look at the limitations of the file system you're going to use.

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80,000,000,000 / 1024 = 78125000KB / 1024 = 76293.9453125MB / 1024 = 74.5058059GB


Also, remember that XP reserves 8MB at the end of the HDD for use with a "Dynamic Disk" should you implement one.

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