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WindowsUpdate problem !!

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i don't know why, but today when i wanted to connect to the windows update site ,i received an error that the page could not load...!!!

i did accept the two plug-ins that popped up while the site was checking for the latest update software....the first plug-in was signed 21/3/2002 and the second was singed 3/10/2001..


Please HELP !!

until yesterday everything was fine...

Using Windows xp professional. frownconfused

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The Windows Update sight periodically goes down.

Sometimes MS are having problems at their end, sometimes they are up[censored] the pages and temporarily take them down.

It could well be something more serious, but for the time being give it an hour or two and try again, you'll probably find all is suddenly working again.

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i gave it more than an hour...

(about a day or so...) and still the same routine than i mentioned before....


please HELP!!! frownfrownconfusedfrown

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I have a similar problem on one of my machines running XP. It either won't connect or it connects, downloads all the updates BUT fails to install anything saying "Unable to create Catalog files".

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Problem FIxed !!!....


I disabled my proxy and tried again.As usual the first activeX plug-in appeared (dated 21/3/2002) and as usual I acceped the installation BUT this time it installed properly and requested a reboot...!! after that everything worked just !!! smilelaugh


[i have no idea why with the proxy the plug-in dated 21/3/2002 didn't install and neither the plug-in which appeared after him dated 3/10/2001...]



A funny thing : i was unable to connect to the win me windows update site (using dual boot : Win Me/XP on separate partitions) for about a month or so, but today after fixing the problem i had for about a day and a half with windows xp ..the problem with win me was solved also.....????? any explanation ???confused

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