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i'm running a dual boot Win Me/XP on separate partitions.


is defragmenting the xp partition from win me (norton speed disk) can be harmful ??....


i'm asking because the defragmentation process is SOOO much faster under win me...


thanks !!

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I've used Norton's Speed Disk for a few years, and I love it. It's never given me any problems. The first time I used it, I couldn't believe the difference it made in my resources. Placing the swap/page file at the beginning of the hard disk really makes a huge difference.


I would say keep using it...Ecspecially if it's the 2002 version, which is for XP.

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.........that wasn't my question....



i asked if defragmenting the xp partition while i am using the windows me ..(with any kind of defrag software) can be harmful or is it the same as doing a defrag to the xp partition while using xp os!

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If the partition is FAT32 (which I'm assuming it is) then there shouldn't be any danger in defragging it through Windows ME but don't take my word for it I've never tried it...


Personally I wouldn't even dream of installing XP (or 2k and NT for that matter) on anything less than an NTFS parition...

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why should i change it to ntfs ?
This is a pretty loaded question - check out this thread for a recent (and rather heated) debate on this topic...

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