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how do I take off screen saver lock delay?

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you know in WinXP when the screen saver goes on, you have a few seconds to move the mouse, after that the computer will lock (if you have that set), but if you move the mouse right after it goes on it does not lock... well how can you take that time down or to nothing?


I am thinking I can alter it in a registry setting... or something? The reason I ask, is related to my previous thread, I now have a little prog called Nitrous Voice Flux, I can say a command and the computer can execute a file, or run a script. I have set a command to "lock computer", when I say "lock computer", it runs scrnsave.scr in .../system32/. For some reason it does not lock my computer. I do have the option to prompt for pass after the screensaver goes off. So why isn't it working? Does it not lock if you force the screensaver on? Well how can I get it to lock INSTANTLY. So that when I say "lock computer", it runs the screensaver, and is locked. So if a friend wants to screw around on my comp and I dont want them to I just say "lock computer" and it is locked, nothing they can do. This is basically what I wanna do. And I know it can be done so if anyone can help please do.


one other thing? is there a way I can maybe write a small batch file to lock my computer, just the lock computer command when you press ctrl, alt, del? If so maybe I can just do that...


or is there a way i can make batch file to type the keys ctrl, alt, and del and then press enter to lock it? There has to be something...


anyway, thanks in advance...

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After hours of deliberation and complex research, we have came up with a rather risky alternative solution to your problem. We developed a highly advanced batch file using state of the art technology only available to the government. During the night while you were asleep, our 8 man highly advanced military strike-force team snuke into your home to install the software. Linked via satellite, the operatives quickly installed the software with help from our software engineers who were stationed at our main headquarters in Stockholm. The operatives then quickly exited the premises before any hostile fire or casulties could occur. Follow these directions very carefully to activate the new script we installed: Hold down your Windows key....then press 'L'


Let us know if that will work for you...And I apologize if any of our operatives tracked mud into your house.



Oh, and by the way, Sargeant Tallcock, the leader of our strike-force, says you need more toilet paper in your downstairs bathroom laugh

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While I have nothing useful to add, I do have to say "LOL"...



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Haha yes very ammusing. Yet I am completely aware of the (Win)+L command to lock my system, and have been using it for quite some time. However, I would like this command to have the ability to be voice activated.


Thanks for the humor though, a very subtle approach on the topic I'm sure others would agree.


Oh... thanks for the info, got the toilet paper thing squared away now. wink

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Why thank you very much. So all I do is put this in a bat file, have the voice flux program run that file when I give the command, and it will lock... Correct? The reason I ask is I am not at my computer right now.


Thank you very much for a legitimate reply. (although I did find that humorous Klark)

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Got home. Made a batch file with that in it. And set it up on my voice recognition prog, and it works!




Thank you very much OLEerror.

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Cool...Glad you got it working.


But I have to ask this: Was it worth all the work to save yourself 2 simple key strokes ??


Though I shouldn't say much, cause I bound that command to one of the hot keys on my keyboard. Now, instead of Windows key + L, I just have to hit 1 little button !! laugh

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