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Voodoo3 under Windows2000 build# 2128

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I downloaded the following file Voodoo3_RC2_D3DGlide_Fix.zip from NT Game Palace. The included readme.txt reads like a retarted chimp wrote it. If you are a smart person you will NOT be able to make ANY sense of it. However, if your reading level is on par with the text file you will do just fine.

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You know its really not nice to insult the moderator of the forum your searching for information from. If you even managed to get your voodoo3 working well in win2k with that inf you should thank SHS for all his hard work in making it. But I'm sure you'd rather remain ignorant and assume that english is the primary language of all the world. It's not nice being insulted is it? However, sometimes some people desrve it.

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I sincerely apologize. I really do. There really isnt ANY excuse I can offer. All I can say in my defense is it was VERY frustrating to follow the directions. Once again I sincerely apologize. I am not a mean person or the like. I am very excited about the Voodoo3 inf files for windows 2000 and I am sure ALOT of work was done to make this happen. Is there any chance that the text file will be re-written before Windows2000 is released? And yes I did get my Voodoo3 to work.


BTW...On the home page here looks like someone gave some GREAT instructions on how to install a DXR2 card under Windows2000 RC2. I wonder who wrote it? smile

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Hello Mr.ScaryP4P

I'am english & it is the primary language.

I'am Deaf & Blind on my left side does that help.

I known my spelling & gamma is not all that good sorry I do the best I can.


There will be no more released INF nor Readme

win Windows2000 gose to a official released.

The INF well be on this Web site in tell 3dfx make official released drivers after that the files will be pulled for each 3dfx products.

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i am running win2k build 2151 and i am having problems getting my DXR2 to install. I read all the post and it worked except that win2k says that the request to install the drivers was denied? How can i get around this problem?

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Denied? How was it denied? What was the error message?


And more importantly, are you logged in as an administrator?

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This my be out of the blue here but what does this DXR2 installation have to do with this message thread of problems using a voodoo3? This would deserve its own thread or it should be in one related to the DXR2.

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I am sorry. I do speak english and I also read english. But whatever that was in the readme.txt was not english. I seemed to based off of english but derived into short hand. Well not to be hypocrit I also use short words and acronyms but only when sending e-mail and icq messages to friends. Not for a technical sheet. I had to read the page a couple times just to understand it!!! I belive if you publish a technical paper such as this one it should be done correctly.



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Hey Nemith, why don't you stop being a spoiled little brat and go elsewhere if you don't like the "technical sheets" here? No one has forced you to come here, and all this is free of charge. Yes, SHS has problems writing, but you CAN understand them, and you won't get help this good for W2k anywhere else! Did it ever occur to you how intelligent he is to be ABLE to write these sheets?


Jesus Christ in a sidecar, talk about biting the hand that feeds you! Go discuss grammar with your little friends on ICQ, and keep your whining to yourself.

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I think you should be lucky you found something that may set you on the right direction to fix your problem. This site has been very helpful to many of us. I dont think you should criticize anyone here, and definately not the moderator who sets up all this information....


Keep up the good work..If it werent for this board half my hardware wouldnt work..

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umm I know that this thread is getting a bit off topic, but **** ppl get with it!!! It's obvious that these ppl who are picking on others' english skills have a lack of these skills themselves. For god sake, one person pays out Da man SHS then a few posts below that, another lamer has a go for the same reason. CAN YOU F&$*%#G READ!!?? Cripes, SHS you're too nice man, kick some lamer ass and nuke their accounts (if you can) don't stand for this **** by no doubt snotty nosed lil brats who shouldn't be messing with software of this callibre in the first place (I can see this comming back at me, but I don't give a rats fat!! BRING IT ON!!)


I could keep going but I think I should go have a stiff drink before I damage something.





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the thread was moving off topic wasnt it? Im glad i was pushed away from the voodoo3 when i was thinking about buying one a few weeks ago.

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Don't get me wrong with my post. (Which came out more harsh than I though) The Windows 2000 comminity would be lost with out SHS and so would I. I was just mearly saying that in my work place such a technical sheet would be laughed apon. I am also sorry for not totally reading the other posts on this subject where SHS explains his disability. Sorry for the problems.


On the last note


Has anyone got the Voodoo3 2000 to work!?! I have having major problems (had to re-install)

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